Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. As we embark on a new year, Pastor Chris has been leading us through a series around making resolutions entitled, I Resolve. Many people make resolutions for the new year about things they want to do to...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your elder team. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” There’s nothing supernatural about the turning of the calendar to a new...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your elder team. As our hearts are still filled with thanksgiving, we make the transition to the Christmas season; a season of joy and a season of hope. With great anticipation, we patiently await the coming birth of our Savior,...

  Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your elder team. As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, we should always remember to express an attitude of gratitude throughout the entire year for all the blessings God pours out for us daily. He is always faithful and has...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your elder team. October is upon us and that typically ushers in cooler weather and the beginning of the fall season. Traditionally, in our culture, this time of year has always been viewed as the harvest season. Farmers spend their...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your elder team. It’s hard to believe we’re already thinking about the fall season. School is back in session and our own homeschool co-op, “The Point”, is in full swing as well. We pray for our students and our teachers...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Sticking with last month’s theme, summertime is all about the young people of MTP. However, I believe our primary goal should be to maintain our focus on Jesus and not just on the fun things. All throughout...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Well, summer is officially upon us and at Mt. Pleasant that’s means one thing; tons of activities for kids of all ages! Our events calendar is packed full so get the young ones in your family connected...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. As always, God is doing extraordinary things in and through Mt. Pleasant. We are so excited over the announcement of an additional Sunday morning service coming up this Fall and we hope you are as well. Pray...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. We had a great turnout for our “Lunch With the Pastors”. We are excited about where God is leading our church and how He continues to add to the congregation of Mt. Pleasant. As we draw near...