“Under Construction” Small Group

Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 116

Our goal is to create a Small Group that turns into a Life Group.

Biblical based open discussion on books of the Bible, Pastor Chris’ sermons and more.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in the Sanctuary

A class that studies and strives to hold each other accountable to God’s Word. They focus on continuing to grow their faith as well as encourage, comfort and counsel each other as they learn to disciple to others. The class participates in numerous outreach opportunities and enjoys gathering as a group outside of class to further God’s Kingdom in our community.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 206

This is a fun class for young seniors who want to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. The class studies the standard lesson commentary. Age Range is between folks in their 50’s – 70’s.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 202

The Bridge Class at MTP is open to everyone. The ages in our class average out to be in the upper 30’s and mid 40’s. We use a variety of materials for studies, we switch back and forth between topical discussions and books of the Bible studies. We have great discussions and also enjoy time together outside of class. Most members are parents with the same issues with our kids that bring in a common bond.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 100

A class for those wanting in-depth study of the Bible with the goal of a deeper relationship with God and other Christians. The class decides on a book of the Bible and studies it in depth, working through it as slowly as needed to allow for full discussion and deeper understanding of the Word.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 104

A class that seeks to learn more about God through studying His Word. Several people teach the class on a rotating basis using the Standard Lesson Quarterly. This class supports various projects in the church and community.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Sunday’s @ 9:45am in Room 204

A conservative class for older individuals looking for serious Bible Study. Discussion and class participation are central, not just lecture. This class follows the Cokesbury Standard Lesson Quarterly. For folks 70+.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am


Impact; “God sees you and your life as an invaluable resource, a powerful force of influence capable of dramatically impacting the world around you, all for the glory of God”   Andy Blanks
The class is for college students and young adults. Our goal each week is to study the word of God and discuss the life application of his words and teachings to better prepare us for witnessing wherever we are.

Join us Sunday morning at 9:45am

Body Building Series

Sunday’s @ 11:00am in the Banquet Room


At Mt Pleasant Church we want to draw people into God’s family and find where they can best worship, grow, and serve.  To help you do this, we are offering a three-part Body Building series – no workout clothes or weights needed!

Join us Sunday morning at 11:00am

Jeremiah 29.11

Sunday’s @ 11:00am in Room 101

A group of Christians that are passionate about Jesus and God’s Word. Jeremiah 29:11 is the foundation verse in our class where we know God has prosperous and good plans for us in every aspect of life. We focus on continuing to grow our faith as well as encourage, comfort and counsel each other as we learn about God and His plan for us. The class is great at supporting one another through tough times and good times. We use video base studies and group discussion to lead us through God’s Word and His plan for us.

Join us Sunday morning at 11:00am


Sunday’s @ 11:00 in Room 204

A class for those who are interested in topical Bible studies and applying what we learn to our lives with caring, loving class members who spend time together both inside and outside of church. This is an active class bound together by our commitment to being a church family. Class materials include video-based study material and group discussion.  Learning in Fellowship for Truth

Join us Sunday morning at 11:00am


Sunday’s @ 11:00am Room 202

The Journey Small Group studies God’s Word relying on scriptures from the Old and New Testament. A variety of our members take turns teaching Bible based information that effects our lives today. We strive to grow together in our faith and in our friendship. We get together in and outside of our church home to have fun, fellowship, food and show encouragement for each other. We participate in outreach projects for our community and our church family. We are made-up of couples and singles that praise and pray to God for our storms and our blessings.
Come join us!

Join us Sunday morning at 11:00am

Men’s Bible Study

Friday’s at 5:30am in Banquet Room


An opportunity to learn more about Scripture and how it applies to being a Christ-like man. The group is focused on spiritual growth, accountability and fellowship. Many have gathered over the years and have created solid relationships with each other and our Creator.

MTP Women

4th Monday of the Month at 6:30pm

At our monthly meetings our members come together to fellowship with each other, enjoy inspirational programs, and support selected local missions through projects. Each month we plan our mission endeavors and have various fun activities to help raise the money to fund them. We would love to have you join us and help us grow our missions!


2nd Sunday at 7am

The primary mission of the MTP Men’s Group is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples while they encourage spiritual formation in others. Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within our congregation.

Women Offering Worship

3rd Saturday from 9:30 – 11am

The vision for Women Offering Worship or WOW is to equip women who are on the journey of reflecting Christ.

Worship is revealed in different ways, and we celebrate the uniqueness in how God has designed us. We also recognize how easy it is to allow daily life to interfere with a heart that has a posture of worship. 

Our gatherings are open share to help solidify the calling God has on our life as we go back into the world as His ambassadors. We share a light brunch, socialize a bit, pray and study various topics. 

Coffee with Starbuck

4th Thursday at 10am

Grief Counseling Group. Pastor Tim Starbuck also offers individual spiritual counseling sessions.

Single’s Ministry

1st & 3rd Sunday’s at 6pm

Join us for a time to connect with other singles in our community.
All are welcome – during this gathering, we will share snacks, a devotion and fellowship.

CAST (Community Adult Singles Together)

Prayer Group

Tuesdays at 10am

MTP Prayer Group meets downstairs in the Prayer Room (Room 100) Tuesday mornings at 10am.

Connection Group

Connection group meets the first Thursday of the month.
Connection group also invites those who would like to walk in or around the Church to meet at 8AM every Wednesday the Youth meet for breakfast.

Connection group is intended for anyone connected to MTP, but especially desires to reach out to those with a little more life experienced in our congregation. No age restrictions for the group beyond children must be accompanied with a parent or guardian. Anyone interested in attending is welcome

Pickleball Fellowship & Devotion

Thursday’s from 6 – 8pm | Family Life Center

Our Pickleball Fellowship & Devotion is open to everyone in our community, church members and non-members alike. We have 3 indoor courts.

Court 1 is designed for Beginners or fairly new players. Court 2 is for intermediate players, and Court 3 is for advanced players, thus allowing you to play with people with similar skill levels. Don’t know how to play? We’ll teach you! 

About halfway, we’ll call a “time out” for a short devotion.

Join us on the TeamReach App. Our Group Code is: 27360

Check out these recommended daily devotion resources and begin reading and studying every day.

Bible Gateway

Max Lucado Daily Devotion

Chuck Swindoll Daily Devotions

YouVersion Bible App

Proverbs 31 Women's Daily Devotions

Reading & Understanding the Bible