The Shepherd’s Staff – March 2024

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Well here we are, rolling into March already and that means it’s time for “Light Up the Night”! This event has become one of our biggest outreach events of the year and it is such a huge blessing on so many different levels. Thank you to all of the participants, volunteers and families that make this event possible! It is such an amazing night. March is also when our Wildlife Banquet is held. This is a great night of food and fellowship hosted by our men’s group. This event is of utmost importance as we hold Godly men in high regards within our church. As our church continues to grow at an unprecedented pace, please remember to be in constant prayer for our leadership. It is so exciting to see God doing great things in and through our church. It is also incredibly refreshing to see so many new faces each week that are seeking the Biblical truths that MTP has to offer. With expectant hearts, we look forward to new and creative, Spirit led opportunities to accommodate our ever growing congregation.

”So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.“ 1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV

  • Kelley Cameron
  • Timmy Hege
  • Kevin Logan
  • Mark Long
  • Tommy McDevitt
  • Jay Payne
  • Alex Sprinkle
  • Jon Sloan
  • Greg York


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