The Shepherd’s Staff – May 2024

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. We had a great turnout for our “Lunch With the Pastors”. We are excited about where God is leading our church and how He continues to add to the congregation of Mt. Pleasant. As we draw near to the end of the first semester of “The Point” homeschool co-op, we celebrate the success of this ministry and the hard work put in to make this a reality. We also celebrate the fact that our numbers will nearly triple for the fall semester and with that, the expectation of bringing more young people to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Your elder team is excited to be working on a few projects over the next few months with the expectation of growing spiritually as a team. Also, with the hopes of shepherding the congregation through these projects. We will be prayerfully working on a Bible study for family night coming up in the fall. We are also excited to be going through Body Building 301 as a group at some point as well. As always, continue to be in prayer for our church and its leadership as we work towards building the Kingdom of God.


”This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.“ John 15:8 NIV


  • Kelley Cameron
  • Timmy Hege
  • Kevin Logan
  • Mark Long
  • Tommy McDevitt
  • Jay Payne
  • Alex Sprinkle
  • Jon Sloan
  • Greg York


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