The Shepherd’s Staff – November 2023

Blessings to all our Mt. Pleasant brothers and sisters in Christ from your elder team. We are very happy to announce our new Homeschool Co-op Director Lauren Rathbone! The Administrative Council voted on Thursday, October 19th to hire Mrs. Rathbone, based on the elder’s recommendation given after interviewing 5 candidates over the past couple months. Please congratulate her and please pray for her as she pursues this new ministry opportunity at our church. We are planning to begin the Co-op in January of 2024, further details will be forthcoming on how to sign up, and the schedule of classes. Please be in prayer for this new ministry at our church, we know this will help to share the word of Jesus to many children and families in our community. We have elder nomination votes and committee votes coming up this month, please be in prayer for the leadership of our church to lead us in our mission to share unfailing love of Jesus! If you are looking to serve, please contact any of us elders, and we can get you plugged in somewhere you can share your spiritual gifts with others.

Romans 12:11. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

  • Kelley Cameron
  • Joe Hayworth
  • Eric Hilton
  • Kevin Logan
  • Mark Long
  • Jay Payne
  • Bo Sink
  • Jon Sloan
  • Greg York


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